Stay In Your Home Longer With A Kohler Walk-In Bath

I’ve had three back surgeries for the past three years and the pain and walking, standing, I have to sit down to relieve pressure from the stress on my back and I can relax in my walk in tub.

Bubble Jets & Heated Surface

I can relax with the massage jets and the bubble jets and it’s like it’s my cocoon [laughs] really and truly because the size it is and the inside, it’s just its cozy. You feel secure and protected.


I’m very independent and I want to be able to take care of myself as much as possible and stay in my home. And I know, I know that I could stay in this house forever.

Low Step In, Safety & More

The walking in, the low step, just a couple of inches to step over into, and the wonderful proximity of everything that I need to bathe with being right there and that chair, the seat in the tub is awesome I mean that’s the best part of it for me because it’s part of the tub, and then when you can turn on the heat…ugh! You know that’s just wonderful, it’s now one of my favorite rooms in the house.

Why Kohler

Kohler is just such a big name and it’s been synonymous with quality, and you know I just say oh it’s Kohler, its such an excellent company! You’re buying a lot more than a tub. You’re buying security, you’re buying safety, you’re buying comfort. It’s really, it’s a deal!

After three back surgeries, Mary experienced chronic pain.

With neuropathy in both feet forcing her to use a walker, the 73-year-old had trouble finding an accessible bathing solution to accommodate her mobility challenges. She lives alone in her Texas home, and was not ready to move. “I love my house, and I want to stay in my house as long as I can,” she says.

"That bath experience is so good for my back and my legs and my feet... It’s just awesome.”

“Getting old is not for sissies,” she says, laughing. “There are all types of challenges.”

Mary recently retired from the juvenile justice field, where she designed and implemented youth mentoring programs, including her favorite, Bow Wow Boot Camp. In her retirement, she realized her traditional bathtub was no longer an option, as the rim of the tub was too high for her to step into safely. Even with handicap bars, she says, she was uncomfortable getting in and out, worried that she might slip. Mary liked her walk-in shower, but missed sitting and relaxing in the bath.

She wasted no time contacting Kohler about a walk-in bath.

During Mary’s custom quote, her Kohler specialist walked her through all the features of the bath. She quickly fell in love with the whirlpool and BubbleMassage air jets, reminiscent of the water therapy she enjoyed in physical therapy.

“That bath experience is so good for my back and my legs and my feet,” she says. “It’s just awesome.”

Mary chose Kohler because of her past experiences with the brand.

After researching walk-in tubs, she trusted Kohler to deliver quality service, professional installation and features that suit her bathing needs.

Beyond that, Mary was excited about the look of a walk-in tub. Living in a small home built in the 1970s, she initially worried that the bath wouldn’t fit in her bathroom. Those worries quickly dissipated once the installers got to work—and she even had a surprise revelation.

“My bathtub looks beautiful and I absolutely love it,” she says. “In fact, I think it makes my bathroom look larger.”

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