Installing Your New KOHLER® Walk-In Bath

We know that bathtub installation can sound daunting. That’s why Kohler designed the Walk-In Bath for easy installation with minimal disruption to your home. We will even take away your old tub. That way, you can sit back, relax and enjoy your new walk-in bath in as little as one day.

Call (855) 268-1515


“The KOHLER® Walk-In Bath is a safe, comfortable way to bathe at home. But did you know it can be installed in as little as one day? Your Kohler-certified installers will remove and dispose of your old bathtub, then install your KOHLER® Walk-In Bath in place of your old tub using existing plumbing and electrical lines, and avoiding extensive renovations. Complete the look with an optional LuxStone™ wall design, which come in traditional and contemporary styles.

Request a free quote, or learn more at”


1 Don’t worry—the walk-in bath will fit.

Many worry that a walk-in tub is too big to fit in their bathroom. The KOHLER® Walk-In Bath was strategically designed to fit in the footprint of your traditional bathtub. This means your bath can be installed without extensive renovations.

2 We handle the entire installation.

Your installers will be specially trained and certified by Kohler to install the Walk-In Bath. Our installers will treat your home as if it were their own, leaving your bathroom clean and ready to use. To avoid tracking in any dirt, we lay down canvas mats and wear booties while working in your home.

3 We take your old tub away.

During installation, we will carefully remove your old bathtub and take it with us when we leave, so you don’t need to worry about disposal. We clean up afterward and leave your bathroom good as new.

4 We handle all plumbing and electrical work.

We will configure your existing plumbing fixtures to exactly fit the walk-in bath’s plumbing specifications. Then we will install and configure the necessary electrical outputs in your bathroom to power the heated surfaces and jets of your new walk-in bath.

5 After installation, we test the bath and all features.

We make sure the bath is completely watertight, then ensure the jets, heated surfaces, drain and handshower function exactly as they’re supposed to.

6 We show you how it works.

We walk you through each feature and show you how to operate your new walk-in bath. We’ll answer all of your questions, and only leave when you’re comfortable and confident in using your bath.

7 You won’t pay a dime more than you were quoted.

Our Price Promise guarantees that the cost of your bath will be the same as the quote you received at your in-home quote appointment.

8 We complete everything in as little as one day.

This isn’t your typical bathtub installation. Most walk-in bath installation projects take one day to complete. If additional time is needed to install your walk-in bath, we will let you know promptly.

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